Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Caledon says goodbye to smoking in public spaces

Peel residents, Caledon included, can now breathe a deep breath of fresh air in light of a new by-law that came into effect just yesterday. The new Peel Outdoor Smoking By-law now makes it illegal to smoke within nine metres of any municipally-owned building or public area.

We all know that smoking is bad for our health, but the effects of second-hand smoke from tobacco products can be equally detrimental, especially for children whose lungs are immature, often leading to asthma, ear infections and bronchitis.

Now residents will be able to enjoy outdoor activities, community centres, libraries and playgrounds without having to worry about the harmful effects of second-hand smoke.

This is one positive step towards a healthier and environmentally friendly Caledon, and something that residents (smokers and non-smokers alike) should be proud of.

In the past 10 years, the rate of smoking has declined with advanced awareness of the negative health impact as well as several other by-laws that have eliminated smoking in restaurants, covered patios, and other public places, and the hope is that this new legislation will also help Peel residents finally butt-out! It is estimated that approximately 15% of Peel residents are smokers.

The strain smoking puts on the healthcare system in our communities is also significant, with nearly 700 deaths and over 3000 smoking-related hospitalizations annually.

In addition to the bylaw’s aim of limiting residents’ exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke and relieving some of that strain, it also hopes to reduce litter and encourage smokers to kick the habit.

The by-law is being enforced in full effect with the potential for fines of up to $5000 for those who choose not to comply.

This is a fantastic step towards a healthier and more environmentally conscious Caledon. Here at the StuartSinclair Team, we are proud to be residents of this closely-knit, socially responsible and now smoke-free community!

All the best for a healthy week!

The Stuart Sinclair Team

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