Friday, July 22, 2011

Turn up the HEAT!!!

Yeah, that's right, I'm gonna say it....HOT ENOUGH FOR YA? Wow. I love summer and all that comes with it, but I'm ready at this point for a bit of a reprieve. Plus, my grass is so brown and crispy it's hard on the feet. One of my favorite things about summer is being able to walk around bare foot, without having pointy, burned grass poking the bottom of my feet.
Read an interesting article in the Toronto Star this week, regarding For Sale By Owners. As a realtor, I am very well aware of the general public perception of what a Realtor does to earn their commission. It's easy to attack Realtors and the commisson they make, but are the alternatives worth it?
Realtors are marketing guru's, excellent negotiators, on top of the housing market and therapists, all rolled into one. Yes, you can sell a property without using a Realtor, but do you really want to? A lawyer can certainly get the job done, but will they return your call at 11pm, or on a Sunday? I do, and will continue to do so.
Remember, if it were easy, everyone would do it!!