Monday, November 21, 2011

To Deport, or Not to Deport?

More than likely you've read in the papers that there has been an outcry within the general public to deport the young man who swiped the Poppy collection boxes from various Tim Horton's restaurants throughout the Hamilton area. The 26 year old in question turned himself in after it was discovered that his actions had been caught on a surveillance camera.
The man had come to our country as a boy of 14, but has never applied for citizenship. Some Veterans and lots of outraged Canadians are screaming for him to be sent back to his homeland. They reason that after 12 years in our Country, he should be aware of the importance of the monies collected with Poppy sales, that the theft of the money boxes is wrong on so many levels.
What do you think? Should he be sent home, or penalized in Canada and allowed to remain?